Sunday, October 28, 2012

Ski/Snowboard Week 2

This week we progressed the leg blasters from 4 mini leg blasters to 6 mini leg blasters. We continued to focus on balancing and stabilizing the body through strength and endurance. I had the athletes do a timed work capacity to measure their core strength, upper body, agility and endurance. They will retest at the end of the 6 weeks to see how much they improve in those areas. Everyone pushed themselves out of their comfort zone and times ranged from 12 minutes to 26 minutes. It will be interesting to see how everyone improves.

Day 3
Brendan working through Kbell cleans!

5 min
Sandbag get-up/ 10 to 1 swings, pushups, sit-ups

6 rounds mini leg blasters

10x squats
10x alternating lunges
10x jump lunges
5x squat jumps
30 sec rest

8 rounds for time

20x hippity hops
6x push-ups
3x ea sbag get-up
8x wtd sit-up

3 rounds

20/20 low back
20/20 low back lunge
20x ea hamstring
Jamie perfecting his front squats

Day 4

100 step-ups/barbell complex

6 rounds

4x front squat
6x squat jump

6 rounds

8x kbell clean
10x bounds
10x sit-ups

6 rounds

10xea rows
6x alligator push-up
3x shoulder dislocate

Jane Fonda 30 sec

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