Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Work Capacity and Stabilization
Friday, October 22, 2010
Strength and Ski/Snowboard Specific
Today we warmed up with a 10 to 1 strength workout that included squat jumps, deadlifts with kettelbells and clean, squat and press with kettelbells. Today was the first day that I had everyone bring in their skis or snowboards. It worked really well to get everyone back in their ski gear and feel their skis and snowboards on their feet. I think doing sandbag ski/snowboard hops really helps to start to feel your skis and work on quickness and power in your actual gear. It also really helps train anaerobic systems through quick intervals. Also this is low impact and does not hurt your knees which is great.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Agility and Power
Today we started with the agility ladder which is great for getting you quicker on your feet for skiing/snowboarding, it also helps with coordination. We also warmed up with sandbag getups which is great for core and getting your hips and legs warm for the workout. Power is one of the most important elements to train for skiing/snowboarding because we spend a lot of our time in the crouched position, which puts a lot of strain on our knees and back. If we train to be explosive we can move through the turn and be able to powerfully move down the hill. This helps all abilities of skiing and snowboarding for the beginner or intermediate it will make the sport more enjoyable and decrease your chance of injury. For the expert or professionals it will make them stronger in their sport and increase their performance.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Power, Core and Flexibility
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Strength and Stability
Today we mainly focused on strength by using stabilizer muscles. In skiing there are so many muscles that you use that you might not even realize. Certain muscles in your abdominals, shoulders legs and glutes are all used that are not necessary large muscles. At the end we did some top to bottom squats that really work on getting the lactic acid in and out of the legs. Also this will help prevent injury because your muscles are used to fatiguing more often and are able to deal with the extra stress.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Work Capacity and Core
Tuesday we focused mainly on work capacity and some basic core exercises. Work capacity is the bodies ability to perform work at different intensities and for different durations. So the class did about 20 minutes of continual exercises with no break. We did this for time, so the class really had to push themselves out of their comfort zone and transition from anaerobic to aerobic exercise at different times. This is great for continual nonstop runs and also being able to push yourself longer mentally as well. Core I believe is the most important part to skiing because it keeps everything tied together. The turn will be a lot more powerful with a strong core. Also this protects your back and knees, the more stable your core is the more powerful you will be as a skier!
Warm-up: moonflowers, sunflowers, knee hugs, butt kicks 1min, high knees 1 min, bounds 1min, strait leg touch 10 each leg.
workout: run 200 m, mini leg blasters, 30 sec each side plank. for time. 6 rounds
Core Stations
a. back extension
b. stability ball pike
c. bosu crunch
d. elevated plank
e. bridge 30 sec each leg
f. ankles to bar
g. scissors
h. belly blasters
i. side crunch
j. single arm crunch 4 lb. kg.
1min 30 wall sit do this 2 times.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Balance and Strength
On thursday we focused more on balance and added a little bit of strength. I increased the intensity just a little, since the class had more recovery time over the weekend. Balance training I think is so important for skiing and snowboarding because you constantly need to be balanced over your skis or snowboard. You need to be ready for that pump or the change in terrain. Also especially for skiing you need to be equally balanced and strong on both legs, because a lot of times you find yourself only on one leg when making a recovery or in transition. This is the workout we did during the second class of a 12 week period.
6 minute sandbag getup
6 minute step-ups
1. 3 turkish get-ups on each side then 6 burpees
repeated this 5 times
2. Stations 1 min and 30 sec.
a. Jumping up and landing on Bosu in tuck
b. single leg touch down 8 lbs 45 sec each
c. med ball wood chop 45 sec each
d. back leg on bench single leg squat no weight 45 sec each
e. dot drill
f. skier hops 45 sec each
g. Dumbell crawl 10-15lbs
3. leg blaster
a. 20 fast squats
b. 20 lunges
c. 20 fast jump lunges lunges
d. 10 jump squats
4. 20 dips
do this 3 times.
Always stretch!!!!