Today was the first day back after a week off, so I still wanted to ramp up the intensity, but cater toward some of the new people I had in class. We did the Jane Fonda, which is a great gluteal workout and really works the stabilizer muscles in the butt! I also tried to do a little more direct core through stations and at the end of class. We also continued to work eccentrically through top to bottom squats.
step-ups 7 minutes 20-40lbs (pack)
10 to 1 box jump, burpees and swings
1 min 30 sec/ 6 stations
1. turkish get-ups 45 sec each side
2. single leg touch on bosu ball. 45 sec each.
3. pike on stability ball
4. clean and squat kettle bell. 12-16kg 45 sec each arm
5. sled push
6. plank up/downs 45 sec each arm
Top to bottom squats
20 sec fast squating
20 sec hold tuck position
repeat with no rest 8 times, 6 for newbies
Jane Fonda 45 sec each thing (lay on side) do both sides
strait leg behind other toe down go up and down.
knee to chest (keep knee high)
butt kick, knee high