Friday, November 25, 2011

Turkey week!

This week we focused a lot on core and work capacity not putting as much emphasis on the legs. I introduced a few new progressive exercises including overhead lunges, which strengthens the core and helps stabilize the shoulders. We also did a mini work capacity set that worked the shoulders, challenged the core while also being very metabolic. Happy Turkey day!!

Day 1

kettlebell complex 8 kg women and 12 kg for men
1 min each

1 arm swing
figure 8
1 arm swing rt hand
1 arm clean and press left hand
slasher to halo left
lunge fwd to back left leg
1 arm clean and press rt hand
slasher to halo rt
lunge fwd to back rt leg

4 rounds

10x OH walking lunge dbell
10x bounds
10x situps

4 rounds

6x push press
6x jingle jangles

4 rounds

6x squat and clean
6x ea lateral box
quad stretch

4 rounds

30 work/30 hold/15 rest
jump touch jump

Jane fonda 45 sec

Day 2

w. u
10 to 1 goblet, push-ups, sit-ups

2 rounds

1 min box jump
1 min sbag burpee
1 min square drill
1 min climb wall
1 min rest

5 rounds for time

3 x Atomic manmaker
10x squat jumps
30x step-ups
3x ea sbag clean

3 rounds

10x back extension
10x keg lift
20x ea HS hell
20 x heals to sky

Friday, November 11, 2011

Home workout for week of the 14th!

Day 1

w.u. 10 to 1
push-ups, sit-ups and squat jumps

4 rounds

10xea front to back lunges
6x clapping push-ups
instep stretch

4 rounds

10 x bounds
10x squat jumps
10x plank-walkups

4 rounds

1 min box jump (hop up and down on whatever)
1 min burpees
1 min jump lunge
1 min rest

2 rounds
30 sec jane

Day 2

w.u. 25, 20, 15, 10

squats, single leg deadlift ( split number in half), dips

4 rounds

10xea single leg touch down
20x belly blasters
20/20 side plank

4 rounds

30 sec lateral up and over box jump
30 sec hold
15 sec rest

3 rounds

20x up with a twist
20x bird dogs
20x plank walkups
20x deadbugs

2 rounds
25x hamstring hell each

Week 6, Last Week!

This week was the last week of ski fitness before we have an unload week and do 3 more weeks of sport specific training and then go into maintenance training for the winter. Day one this week we focused on targeting the hamstrings through balance doing single leg deadlifts, the quads especially in skiing become over developed and a lot of times the hamstrings are neglected. I also introduced everyone to overhead squats, this in my opinion is a great exercise, but very difficult and you want to make sure you have a strong core and base. It targets a lot of important muscles. You use your shoulders, core, back, legs while doing this exercise. The next 3 weeks I would like to continue to progress this exercise.

Day 2 we was the last day so I added a bunch of stations that included sled drag, bosu squat jumps, dumbell crawl and many others. I called it the best of ski fit 2011! We then finally reached the end of our leg blaster progression, which was the most rewarding. The class started with 4 mini leg blasters and that made them very sore, this week we did 6 fulls which was very rewarding to see everyone be able to cruise right though the fulls. We have one week off and then start again Thanksgiving week.

Schedule for Thanksgiving
mon/tue 715 pm
wed 715 pm
tue/wed 815 am
tues/wed 100pm

Day 1

10 to 1 OHS, swings, push-ups

4 rounds

6xea SLD
30x high knees
hip flexor

4 rounds

10 x OHS
10x tricep extension
shoulder stretch

4 rounds

10x kbell clean and squat
8x ea single arm crunch
instep stretch

10 rounds 1 every 45 sec

4x burpees
suicide sprint

Day 2

100xs step-ups/ sandbag get-up

2 rounds

1 min sled drag
1 min bosu squat jump
1 min transfer hands to feet
1 min dumbell crawl
1 min box jump
1 min ball toss

6 full leg blasters

20x squats
20x alt lunges
20x jump lunges
10x jump squats

3 rounds

10x up w/twist
10x ea slasher
20x bird dog
10x plank walkups

1 round 45 sec jane fonda!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Week 5, More leg blasters and Retest.

This week on day one we focused a lot on strength, opening up the chest and training the hamstrings and low back through dead lifting. I have been working really hard to try and get everyone to become more balanced and equal. The body compensates in many ways either from sports or work habits. I have been trying to get the core incredibly strong, increase power and balance out the quads with the hamstrings. Day 2 we retested the test that we did a month ago to see everyones progress. It was amazing how much stronger everyone had gotten on their tests and mentally how much more they were willing to push themselves. It has been pretty rewarding to see people work super hard and see the strength gains. I have a few people that have not been consistent on showing up and that has been really interesting to see the differences. It pays to commit to the 2 days.

Day 1

W.U. ladder/ 25 20 15 goblet squat, swings, bounds

6 rounds

5x deadlift
5x inchworm
10x sit-up

6 rounds

4x mr. spectacular
10x squat jumps
hip flexor stretch

3 rounds

40x flutter kicks
20x bird dog
10x deadbug
10x plank walk-up

Day 2

3 rounds

10x goblet
10x sit-ups
10x jump squat

8 rounds (test) fastest time 955 to 1700 slowest

10x hippity hops
6x push-ups
8x wtd sit-ups
3xea sandbag get-ups

4 full leg blaster
30 sec rest in between

4 mini leg blaster
30 sec rest between

3 rounds
touch jump touch
30 sec work/30 sec hold/ 15 sec rest

jane fonda 45 sec