This week on Day 1 we focused on some strength mixed with some suicide sprints at the end to work on recovery. Day 2 we added some upper body and increased the leg blasters and continued with skier hops. This week I could tell a major difference in how the athletes were moving and how much stronger their core and recovery was. It has been a awesome coaching and helping so many different people and seeing them all get stronger in different ways not only physically, but mentally. I am learning a lot about different muscle imbalances and how so many people are so different. It has been really rewarding.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Ski/Snowboard week 4
This week on Day 1 we focused on some strength mixed with some suicide sprints at the end to work on recovery. Day 2 we added some upper body and increased the leg blasters and continued with skier hops. This week I could tell a major difference in how the athletes were moving and how much stronger their core and recovery was. It has been a awesome coaching and helping so many different people and seeing them all get stronger in different ways not only physically, but mentally. I am learning a lot about different muscle imbalances and how so many people are so different. It has been really rewarding.
Friday, October 21, 2011
Week 3 Day 2 leg blasters and skier hops!!
Today we did all body weight exercises and only used weights for turkish get-ups. It is pretty amazing how hard you can work the body with just simple body weight exercises. This was the toughest class yet and involved a lot of mental strength to get through all the sets. We did some skier hops mixed with touch jump touch and hippity hops. All three of these exercises are very leg intensive and involve sprinting through the exercises. We progressed the leg blasters also this week, graduating to our first full leg blasters. I am glad everyone has the weekend to recover!
Warm-up 20 Turkish get-ups each
6 rounds
20/20 sec plank to sit-up
2 rounds
mini leg blasters
10x squats
10x alternating lunges
10x jump lunges
5x squat jumps
4 rounds
full leg blaster
20x squats
20x alternating lunges
20x jump lunges
10x squat jumps
4 rounds
skier hops
30 sec hop/ 30 sec hold/ 15 sec rest
4 rounds
Touch Jump touch or Hippity Hops
30 sec/ 30 sec hold/ 15 sec rest
jane fonda 45 sec
Week 3 Day 1 Strength and Work Capacity
Today we focused on strength with a 10 minute work capacity at the end. We warmed up with a 10 to 1 to get the core and legs warm. I focused a little on blance with some single leg touch downs which I think are very important for working each leg independently of the other trying not to allow compensations. The class ended with an intense 10 minute work capacity.
Warm-up 10 to 1
Goblet squats, push-ups, squat jumps and sit-ups
4 rounds
4x Curtis Ps
30x Mt Climbers
straddle stretch
4 rounds
8x ea single leg touch down
6x box jump
10x sit-ups
4 rounds
10x tricep ext
20x belly blasters
upward dog
2 rounds
1 min sled drag
1 min Bosu squat jump
1 min jump rope
1 min pike
1min jingle jangles
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Week 2 done!!
Warm-up 25 20 15 10
Swings, single arm clean ( cut number in half), goblet squats, sit-ups
6 rounds
4 x push- press
6 xea lateral box jump
3x shoulder dislocate
6 rounds
4 x kbell clean and squat
20 x each single leg hop
10 rounds
Mini leg blaster
10x fast squats
10x alternating lunges
10 x jump lunges
5x squat jumps
2 rounds
40x glute leg lift
20x donkey kick
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Ski Fitness Work Capacity Progression Test
Friday, October 7, 2011
The Importance of Ski and Snowboard Fitness
Staying fit and cross training for all sports has always been very important for injury prevention, durability, and mental fitness. Right now I am starting my ski/snowboard fitness classes that always seem to be popular in a ski town. This type of class is so important for preventing injury through the season and within the first few weeks of the season. Skiing and snowboarding are both very hard on knees, hips and backs. Strethening your core, quads and hips really help in preventing injury to those parts of the body. Being able to make top to bottom runs without feeling too much fatigue on the first day of the season is also a great feeling. Ski conditioning classes are also a lot of fun and something to do in when the weather starts to turn. It also trains quickness and agility which can also help improve your skiing or riding ability. This first week class starts with a slow progression of leg blasters, core and anaerobic work.
Warmup- 5 min turkish getups/5 min sand bag getups
2 rounds
1 min square drill
1 min sled push
1 min ball slam
1 min lateral box
1 min jump rope
1 min bosu burpee
1 min dbell crawl
1 min swings
2 min rest
4 rounds
Mini leg blaster
10 x plank walkups
15 sec rest
4 rounds
20 x deadbug
45 sec plank
10 x ea russian twist
20 x opp arm leg