Sunday, December 18, 2011

Strength and Work Capacity.

This week we focused a lot on strength mixed with some endurance work capacity sessions. The goal is to keep the athletes strong for their recreational sports. I focused on some single leg squats to target the weaker side and improve balance. We also did some 15 to 20 minute work capacity sessions that really pushed them metabolically. It is amazing how strong everyone is getting and how much harder they are able to work.

Day 1

warm-up: SBGU 7 min

6 rounds

4x clean and push-press
8x jump squat
40x flutter kicks

6 rounds

8x kbell front squat
10x bounds

15 minutes ARAP

10x jump lunges
10x swings
10x plank walk-ups
10x ea single leg squat

Jane Fonda 45 seconds

Day 2


25 20 15
sprints, sit-ups and push-ups

6 rounds for time

30x step-ups
3x ea sbag clean
6x sbag squat jump
6x push-press

2 rounds

1 min burpee
1 min bosu lateral hop
1 min box jump
1 min sled drag
1 min rest

3 rounds

10x bird dog
10x plank-walkups
10x up with a twist
10x back extension

Saturday, December 10, 2011

The week of no snow!

This week was really busy for classes, which made me happy and I was glad to see people are still trying to stay strong for ski season when hopefully it finally does come. It is hard when you train for 8 weeks and then just stop, it is so important to maintain strength, balance and stabilization through the season. This week we did a day of strength and day of tough work capacity that combined a lot of strength and endurance. It is great because everyone has a really strong base, so now we are able to train more specifically. I want to continue to increase everyones core strength and power!

Day 1

3 x Barbell Complex

6 rounds

4x mr. spectacular
8x Sandbag squat jumps
3x shoulder dislocate

6 rounds

6x front squat
40x high knees
quad stretch

6 rounds

8x tricep ext
10x jingle jangles
8x sit-ups

3 rounds

10x bird dog
30/30 side plank
10x ea side crunch

Day 2

25 20 15 10
bounds, swings, goblet squat

2 rounds

1 min step-ups
1 min bosu squat jumps
1 min sandbag burpee
1 min square drill
1 min touch jump touch
1 min sled
1 min rest

10 min as many rounds

4x atomic manmaker
5x ea single leg deadlift
10x squat jumps

10 rounds one every 30 sec

45 second Jane Fonda

Friday, November 25, 2011

Turkey week!

This week we focused a lot on core and work capacity not putting as much emphasis on the legs. I introduced a few new progressive exercises including overhead lunges, which strengthens the core and helps stabilize the shoulders. We also did a mini work capacity set that worked the shoulders, challenged the core while also being very metabolic. Happy Turkey day!!

Day 1

kettlebell complex 8 kg women and 12 kg for men
1 min each

1 arm swing
figure 8
1 arm swing rt hand
1 arm clean and press left hand
slasher to halo left
lunge fwd to back left leg
1 arm clean and press rt hand
slasher to halo rt
lunge fwd to back rt leg

4 rounds

10x OH walking lunge dbell
10x bounds
10x situps

4 rounds

6x push press
6x jingle jangles

4 rounds

6x squat and clean
6x ea lateral box
quad stretch

4 rounds

30 work/30 hold/15 rest
jump touch jump

Jane fonda 45 sec

Day 2

w. u
10 to 1 goblet, push-ups, sit-ups

2 rounds

1 min box jump
1 min sbag burpee
1 min square drill
1 min climb wall
1 min rest

5 rounds for time

3 x Atomic manmaker
10x squat jumps
30x step-ups
3x ea sbag clean

3 rounds

10x back extension
10x keg lift
20x ea HS hell
20 x heals to sky

Friday, November 11, 2011

Home workout for week of the 14th!

Day 1

w.u. 10 to 1
push-ups, sit-ups and squat jumps

4 rounds

10xea front to back lunges
6x clapping push-ups
instep stretch

4 rounds

10 x bounds
10x squat jumps
10x plank-walkups

4 rounds

1 min box jump (hop up and down on whatever)
1 min burpees
1 min jump lunge
1 min rest

2 rounds
30 sec jane

Day 2

w.u. 25, 20, 15, 10

squats, single leg deadlift ( split number in half), dips

4 rounds

10xea single leg touch down
20x belly blasters
20/20 side plank

4 rounds

30 sec lateral up and over box jump
30 sec hold
15 sec rest

3 rounds

20x up with a twist
20x bird dogs
20x plank walkups
20x deadbugs

2 rounds
25x hamstring hell each

Week 6, Last Week!

This week was the last week of ski fitness before we have an unload week and do 3 more weeks of sport specific training and then go into maintenance training for the winter. Day one this week we focused on targeting the hamstrings through balance doing single leg deadlifts, the quads especially in skiing become over developed and a lot of times the hamstrings are neglected. I also introduced everyone to overhead squats, this in my opinion is a great exercise, but very difficult and you want to make sure you have a strong core and base. It targets a lot of important muscles. You use your shoulders, core, back, legs while doing this exercise. The next 3 weeks I would like to continue to progress this exercise.

Day 2 we was the last day so I added a bunch of stations that included sled drag, bosu squat jumps, dumbell crawl and many others. I called it the best of ski fit 2011! We then finally reached the end of our leg blaster progression, which was the most rewarding. The class started with 4 mini leg blasters and that made them very sore, this week we did 6 fulls which was very rewarding to see everyone be able to cruise right though the fulls. We have one week off and then start again Thanksgiving week.

Schedule for Thanksgiving
mon/tue 715 pm
wed 715 pm
tue/wed 815 am
tues/wed 100pm

Day 1

10 to 1 OHS, swings, push-ups

4 rounds

6xea SLD
30x high knees
hip flexor

4 rounds

10 x OHS
10x tricep extension
shoulder stretch

4 rounds

10x kbell clean and squat
8x ea single arm crunch
instep stretch

10 rounds 1 every 45 sec

4x burpees
suicide sprint

Day 2

100xs step-ups/ sandbag get-up

2 rounds

1 min sled drag
1 min bosu squat jump
1 min transfer hands to feet
1 min dumbell crawl
1 min box jump
1 min ball toss

6 full leg blasters

20x squats
20x alt lunges
20x jump lunges
10x jump squats

3 rounds

10x up w/twist
10x ea slasher
20x bird dog
10x plank walkups

1 round 45 sec jane fonda!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Week 5, More leg blasters and Retest.

This week on day one we focused a lot on strength, opening up the chest and training the hamstrings and low back through dead lifting. I have been working really hard to try and get everyone to become more balanced and equal. The body compensates in many ways either from sports or work habits. I have been trying to get the core incredibly strong, increase power and balance out the quads with the hamstrings. Day 2 we retested the test that we did a month ago to see everyones progress. It was amazing how much stronger everyone had gotten on their tests and mentally how much more they were willing to push themselves. It has been pretty rewarding to see people work super hard and see the strength gains. I have a few people that have not been consistent on showing up and that has been really interesting to see the differences. It pays to commit to the 2 days.

Day 1

W.U. ladder/ 25 20 15 goblet squat, swings, bounds

6 rounds

5x deadlift
5x inchworm
10x sit-up

6 rounds

4x mr. spectacular
10x squat jumps
hip flexor stretch

3 rounds

40x flutter kicks
20x bird dog
10x deadbug
10x plank walk-up

Day 2

3 rounds

10x goblet
10x sit-ups
10x jump squat

8 rounds (test) fastest time 955 to 1700 slowest

10x hippity hops
6x push-ups
8x wtd sit-ups
3xea sandbag get-ups

4 full leg blaster
30 sec rest in between

4 mini leg blaster
30 sec rest between

3 rounds
touch jump touch
30 sec work/30 sec hold/ 15 sec rest

jane fonda 45 sec

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Ski/Snowboard week 4

This week on Day 1 we focused on some strength mixed with some suicide sprints at the end to work on recovery. Day 2 we added some upper body and increased the leg blasters and continued with skier hops. This week I could tell a major difference in how the athletes were moving and how much stronger their core and recovery was. It has been a awesome coaching and helping so many different people and seeing them all get stronger in different ways not only physically, but mentally. I am learning a lot about different muscle imbalances and how so many people are so different. It has been really rewarding.

Day 1

warm-up 7 min step-ups/ 3 x Barbell Complex

4 rounds

5x front squat
30x jump rope
3 x ride it down

4 rounds

6x ea sandbag clean
10x squat jump
3x shoulder dislocate

10 rounds 1 every 45 sec

3x burpees
suicide sprint

2 rounds

20/20 side bridge
10x ea single arm crunch
20x back extension
20x russian twist

Day 2

warm-up 5 min turkish getups/5 min sandbag get-ups

6 rounds

20 sec push press
20 sec swing

6 mini leg blasters 30 sec rest

10 squats
10 alt lunges
10 jump lunges
5 jump squats

2 full leg blaster

20 squat
20 alt lunges
20 jump lunges
10 squat jumps

3 rounds

30 sec hop/30 sec hold/15 sec rest skier hops

3 rounds

30/30/15 hop over sandbag

2 rounds
45 sec jane fonda

Friday, October 21, 2011

Week 3 Day 2 leg blasters and skier hops!!

Today we did all body weight exercises and only used weights for turkish get-ups. It is pretty amazing how hard you can work the body with just simple body weight exercises. This was the toughest class yet and involved a lot of mental strength to get through all the sets. We did some skier hops mixed with touch jump touch and hippity hops. All three of these exercises are very leg intensive and involve sprinting through the exercises. We progressed the leg blasters also this week, graduating to our first full leg blasters. I am glad everyone has the weekend to recover!

Warm-up 20 Turkish get-ups each

6 rounds

20/20 sec plank to sit-up

2 rounds

mini leg blasters

10x squats

10x alternating lunges

10x jump lunges

5x squat jumps

4 rounds

full leg blaster

20x squats

20x alternating lunges

20x jump lunges

10x squat jumps

4 rounds

skier hops

30 sec hop/ 30 sec hold/ 15 sec rest

4 rounds

Touch Jump touch or Hippity Hops

30 sec/ 30 sec hold/ 15 sec rest

jane fonda 45 sec

Week 3 Day 1 Strength and Work Capacity

Today we focused on strength with a 10 minute work capacity at the end. We warmed up with a 10 to 1 to get the core and legs warm. I focused a little on blance with some single leg touch downs which I think are very important for working each leg independently of the other trying not to allow compensations. The class ended with an intense 10 minute work capacity.

Warm-up 10 to 1

Goblet squats, push-ups, squat jumps and sit-ups

4 rounds

4x Curtis Ps

30x Mt Climbers

straddle stretch

4 rounds

8x ea single leg touch down

6x box jump

10x sit-ups

4 rounds

10x tricep ext

20x belly blasters

upward dog

2 rounds

1 min sled drag

1 min Bosu squat jump

1 min jump rope

1 min pike

1min jingle jangles

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Week 2 done!!

The second class this week we focused more on strength and power. We increased our leg blasters to 10 minis from 6 mini leg blasters. The human body is pretty amazing in its ability to gain strength very quickly through training. Week 2 is done and I already see big differences in all the athletes mentally and physically.

Warm-up 25 20 15 10
Swings, single arm clean ( cut number in half), goblet squats, sit-ups

6 rounds

4 x push- press
6 xea lateral box jump
3x shoulder dislocate

6 rounds

4 x kbell clean and squat
20 x each single leg hop

10 rounds

Mini leg blaster
10x fast squats
10x alternating lunges
10 x jump lunges
5x squat jumps

2 rounds

40x glute leg lift
20x donkey kick

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Ski Fitness Work Capacity Progression Test

This week I administered a work capacity test to all the ski fitness athletes.I combined strength, core, and endurance exercises into a short test that took people anywhere from 11 minutes to 17 minutes to complete. Everyone did very well for only their 3rd class, having to sprint through sandbag get-ups, pushups, hippity hops and weighted sit-ups. This test was very core intensive, so many muscles insert into the abdominal area and it is so important to keep all the muscles around there strong.
In order to track the athletes progression in the next 5 weeks I am going to retest them in four weeks. This test will really help them see the strength gains in their core, hip, shoulders and legs. This test works well for training mental strength and confidence as well. I want people to leave class feeling not only physically fit, but mentally ready for skiing or snowboarding.

5 min step-ups w 25lb pack
5 min ladder agility

Work Capacity Test

8 rounds for time

10x Hippity hops
3x ea SBGU
6x Push-ups
8x WTD sit-ups

10 minutes

10x Swings
20x High knees
10x KB clean
20x Russian twist


Friday, October 7, 2011

The Importance of Ski and Snowboard Fitness

Staying fit and cross training for all sports has always been very important for injury prevention, durability, and mental fitness. Right now I am starting my ski/snowboard fitness classes that always seem to be popular in a ski town. This type of class is so important for preventing injury through the season and within the first few weeks of the season. Skiing and snowboarding are both very hard on knees, hips and backs. Strethening your core, quads and hips really help in preventing injury to those parts of the body. Being able to make top to bottom runs without feeling too much fatigue on the first day of the season is also a great feeling. Ski conditioning classes are also a lot of fun and something to do in when the weather starts to turn. It also trains quickness and agility which can also help improve your skiing or riding ability. This first week class starts with a slow progression of leg blasters, core and anaerobic work.

Warmup- 5 min turkish getups/5 min sand bag getups

2 rounds

1 min square drill
1 min sled push
1 min ball slam
1 min lateral box
1 min jump rope
1 min bosu burpee
1 min dbell crawl
1 min swings
2 min rest

4 rounds

Mini leg blaster
10 x plank walkups
15 sec rest

4 rounds

20 x deadbug
45 sec plank
10 x ea russian twist
20 x opp arm leg

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Mendoza Park Workout Argentina

Today Hadley and I spent the day in Mendoza and decided to do a little bootcamp workout to start our day. We ran from our hostel to the city park which was was perfect for what we wanted for the Mendoza city workout. Since we were going skiing we focused on our legs, core and some cardio to warmup our muscles.

Warm-up 10 to 1
Sit-ups, push-ups, squats

3 rounds

3x full leg blaster
8x sprints
10x plank walkups

3 rounds

10x bounds
20x up with a twist
10x ea single leg touchdown
20x jumping jacks

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Work Capacity Test

This last Thursday the class did a pretty tough work capacity session and I was so impressed with how well everyones base fitness has gotten over the last 2 months. I have had a very consistent turnout so I figured they all would be psyched to push a little out of their comfort zone. The only recovery within the 20 minutes that the athletes had was sit-ups, which is not much recovery. The fastest person to finish finished the set in 16 minutes. The three exercises consisted of 5 Curtis Ps into 400m run and into 10 weighted sit-ups. The athletes had to complete 5 rounds. I recorded their time and I am going to retest them in 3 weeks to see if their strength and recovery improves.

Warm-up: 25, 20, 15, 10

Goblet Squats, Swings and Jump Lunges

5 rounds for time

5x Curtis P's

Run 400m

10x WTD situps

10 min

10x inchworm

10x plank walkup

10x Alligator Push-ups

10x Hippity Hops

3 rounds

10x situps

10x slasher/halo

10x ea side plank crunch

10 x Back Ext

Friday, June 17, 2011

Work Capacity and Strength

Today we continued sport specific maintenance training. I started the class with strength and we ended with a 10 minute work capacity session. This helps keep the athletes card bas while maintaining their strength. I focused a lot on shoulder work, low back and power. We finished with some running, core and explosive movements in short period with no rest.

Warm-up: 25 Turkish get-ups on each side

4 rounds

6x deadliest (increase wt )

10 x bounds

pigeon stretch

4 rounds

6x overhead squat w/barbell

6x snatch w/barbell

10x sit-ups

4 rounds

12x KB floor press

3x clapping push-ups

shoulder stretch

3 rounds for time

6x russian twist

6x touch jump touch

20x mt climbers

200 m run


Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Importance of Cross Training

Living in Jackson most people are extremely active and enjoy a variety of different recreational activities from cycling and running, to climbing and mt. biking. Participating in these activities is great for your body and also a lot of fun. Practicing these sports alone can cause your body to become imbalanced, weak in certain muscles, and misaligned. That is why i recommend at least one to two days of cross training.

Training sport specifically in a gym helps with balance, muscle imbalance, strength and mental toughness. When training in a controlled environment the person is able to work on different weaknesses that they have in their cycling for example. I coached a 6 week progressive women's cycling specific course and all the women reported an increase of strength in their cycling. See some previous posts to understand some of the workouts. Some other areas of improvement included less shoulder soreness, stronger pedal stroke and little or no back pain over 50 plus miles of riding. Cross Training can also be a great way to learn about your body and how it functions while increasing your overall fitness for your preferred activity or sport.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Baja Beach Bootcamp with the Ladies!!!!

The ladies: Ashley Magnuson, Hannah Horigan, Hannah Whitney,Pip Hunt
Crystal-Rose Lee

I am in Mexico on vacation with 5 awesome ladies that I compete in freeskiing events with. I convinced them to join me on the beach for bootcamp at 730 this morning. The temperature is perfect in the morning for exercise and the ocean is about 75 degrees and perfect for a little swim after. We did a 45 minute workout consisting of work capacity, strength and durability. All a person needs for this workout is a towel and a beach!!

Warm-up: 10 to 1

Touch Jump Touch
Air squats

4 rounds

Full leg blasters
- 20 fast squats
- 20 lunges
- 20 jump lunges
-10 jump squats

6x Jingle Jangles
10x Plank Walk-ups

4 rounds

10x ea Single Leg Touch Down
50x ea Glute Raises
25x ea Donkey Kick
20x Up with a Twist (core)

Stretch and Swim in the Ocean!!!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Cycling Specific Classes

Two weeks ago I started a cycling specific class for women, it has been fun and great for my coaching because the women are very athletic and hard workers, but have a lot of muscle imbalances. I have been working with them to equal out their hamstrings, quads, endurance and power and lastly focusing a lot on core. When cycling a lot certain muscles do all the work and muscles such as the hamstrings, abdominals and shoulders become neglected and weak. The ladies are doing a 6 week progressive and intense cross training program specific to biking. It has been really rewarding to see how strong the women have become only after 2 weeks. The training has been a mix of strength training and work capacity. Here is an example of one of the workouts from last week.

Warm-up: Sandbag get-up 10 min

1. 4 rounds
6xs push press
10xs weighted sit-up
shoulder stretch

2. 4 rounds
6x single leg deadlift
20x each calf raises
instep stretch

3. 4 rounds
10x box jump
10 each single leg touch
run 200 m
10x russian twist

4. 2 rounds
20xs belly blasters
20xs up with a twist


Monday, April 11, 2011

Sport Specific Training Week 1!

This past week was the first week in sports specific training getting everyone ready for the summer sports. We did one day of work capacity and one day of strength. The work capacity session was meant to focus on anaerobic power and mental fitness. The heart rate was elevated and then the athlete had to keep it at that level for an extended period of time. This helps for biking, hiking, climbing, running with being able to continue up that steep hill at a steady pace without having to take a break. This also makes it easier to do these sports and feel better while participating. Here is our work capacity workout:

Warm-up: Dumbell Complex Do this 3 times.
a. RDL 10xs
b. Hang squat clean 10xs
c. Hang squat clean, thrust 10xs
d. Scotty Bobs 6xs
e. Sit-ups 6xs

Rounds for time 8 minutes
a. Curtis Ps- hang clean, lunge, lunge, push press

10 to 1
jingle jangles, box drill, bosu side hop, swings and box jump

Abdominals (plank position on hands)
knees to elbows 10xs
leg up 10xs
side angle 10xs
superman 10xs


Monday, March 28, 2011

Benefits of Sport Specific Training

Even if you are not a professional athlete there are still very large benefits to training sports specifically. Whether you have goals of being a better hiker, climber, biker training for that can help a ton! Just 2 hours a week can really help with imbalances and strengthening, I have noticed that a lot of people get really excited about ski fitness in a resort town. This really helps the person get ready and psyched for ski season, but when it comes to the summer sports a lot of people do not realize hoe the sports specific training can help. Most people that partake in that style of a class really enjoy spring and summer activities as well and everyone could benefit from sport specific training. When a person only does the sport the body gets really used to the same movement and muscle imbalances and weaknesses can occur. This can lead to an injury or constant compensation with dominate muscles. Doing some type of specialized training can correct that and also make that sport or recreational activity better. Also classes or the one on one training are great for a person that works most of the day and can only get outside on the weekends!

I have noticed differences in training for my skiing versus just skiing for my skiing! I have come to correct a lot of my different imbalances that I have from injury. I also feel a lot more mentally and physically confident in my sport. Also I never realized how fun it could be to train with other people and push each other!! Always being a trainer and coach I knew it was important, but never realized how much I needed help to!!

Monday, January 17, 2011

80s Workout Wednesday!!!

Come join me at the Rec Center this Wed night the 19th from 6 to 715 pm for a fun 80s style workout. You will be sweating and having fun I promise! We will have great music, everyone will be dressed up and you will get a good workout!!! Hope to see you then!!